The Rock of Cashel Ireland
The Rock of Cashel

Originally the seat of the kings of Munster, according to legend St. Patrick himself came here to convert King Aenghus to Christianity. Brian Boru was crowned High King at Cashel in 978 and made it his capital.
In 1101 the site was granted to the church and Cashel swiftly rose to prominence as one of the most significant centres of ecclesiastical power in the country.
The surviving buildings are remarkable. Cormac’s Chapel, for example, contains the only surviving Romanesque frescoes in Ireland.
The Rock of Cashel is one of Ireland’s most spectacular and – deservedly – most visited tourist attractions. Cashel Palace offers private access through our spectacular Gardens along The Bishop’s Walk. You are then free to enjoy an audio tour or join one of the guided tours with a local expert on Ireland’s Ancient East.
If you would like to book this experience during your stay at Cashel Palace, please email or call us on +35362 62 002